If facing criminal charges and you learned the authorities have an eyewitness, your heart likely sank. Judges and juries have long placed significant weight on the testimony of people who witnessed alleged crimes. However, many factors may affect the reliability of...
Month: May 2021
When I was assigned to the juvenile rotation in 2013, a fellow judge in Baltimore City told me that this would be the most important work I would do as a judge. I believed her then and I found it to be true. Juveniles can be put on a better path so they do not...
What is “trace DNA”?
DNA plays a huge role in the modern court system when determining guilt or innocence. It also may be used in appeals or when cracking “cold cases” that investigators could not solve in the past. Experts sometimes refer to “trace” DNA as “touch” DNA. According to...
Substance abuse, criminal activity and eligibility for drug court
In some instances, imprisonment may not be the best way of managing people who use illicit drugs or obtain them by illegal means. Treatment for drug abuse may be a better solution. Drug courts are now in operation in every state in the union as well as the District...