RaquinMercer Law Offices
“The Defense Never Rests.”
Photo of Professionals at RaquinMercer LLC

Rockville Criminal Defense Law Office

RaquinMercer LLC
50 West Montgomery Ave.
Suite 200
Rockville, MD 20850

Phone: 301-750-9702

Rockville Office

Rockville Office

Photo of Judge Gary E. Bair (Ret.)

How legal mistakes can overturn criminal convictions 

When prosecutors make mistakes in criminal cases, defendants can challenge their convictions through appeals. These errors happen more often than you might think, and they play a key role in protecting the rights of people accused of crimes. Let's examine the most...

What should you do if you are under investigation?

If you start noticing signs that you may be under investigation, such as unexpected visits from law enforcement, increased surveillance or unexpected interrogations or interviews from the police, it is important to act carefully. Your next steps can have a significant...

Types of DNA evidence used in criminal cases

Even the slightest nuance can have a profound impact when the consequences are severe and your liberty is at risk. DNA evidence has become an essential tool in criminal investigations, helping to exonerate the innocent and convict the guilty. What types of DNA...

When can the police arrest you for bribery?

Bribery undermines trust in public systems and carries serious consequences in Maryland. Understanding what constitutes bribery and when police can arrest you for it helps clarify the boundaries of the law and avoid unintentional violations. What counts as bribery?...