RaquinMercer Law Offices
“The Defense Never Rests.”
Photo of Professionals at RaquinMercer LLC

Defense Attorneys With Federal Experience

At RaquinMercer LLC, we handle federal cases in Maryland for the Northern and Southern Division – in Baltimore and Greenbelt – and the United States Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit. Attorney Steve Mercer also represents clients in the federal District Court in the District of Columbia. Attorneys Isabelle Raquin and Steve Mercer can provide you with the knowledgeable advice and skilled representation you need. Our team has a passion for federal defense work, and we do everything we can to protect the rights of the accused.

Our federal experience extends to a wide range of cases, including:

  • Child pornography
  • Violent Crimes in Aid of Racketeering Act (VICAR)
  • Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO)
  • Drug possession, distribution or importation
  • Trafficking of guns and firearms

Federal Sentencing Guidelines

To determine your sentence, the judge will use federal sentencing guidelines. The guidelines can be complex, and the potential mandatory minimum sentences are very severe. Our firm knows how to work the guidelines and sentencing factors in order to mitigate the range of calculated points and give you the best possible outcome.

Protecting Your Rights At Every Stage Of The Process

Our firm assists clients throughout the criminal justice process, including if you have been contacted by the police as a suspect, target, person of interest, or as a witness, if you received a summons, or if you have been subpoenaed to testify at trial or before a grand jury. You should retain a lawyer to advise you of your rights. Our attorneys will:

  • Make sure you don’t incriminate yourself
  • Prepare you for the charges to come
  • Start investigating the case early and collect evidence
  • Negotiate the conditions of your release if an arrest is made
  • Protect you from harassment by the police, Child Protection Services, the state or government, or the media

If you have been charged or have reason to believe you are under investigation, it is important to consult with an attorney as soon as possible. Contact us now for a consultation.

Photo of Judge Gary E. Bair (Ret.)

Impact of social media on evidence collection in criminal appeals

Social media has revolutionized the way investigators collect evidence when appealing criminal cases. This platform now serves as a rich repository of personal interactions, opinions and even real-time activities, which can impact legal proceedings. As people continue...

The pros and cons of DNA testing for post-conviction relief

Suffering from a wrongful criminal conviction is hurtful and damaging. However, a convict may still seek post-conviction relief by requesting a DNA analysis. Through DNA technology, it would be possible to identify the offender and present new evidence about the...

Can DNA evidence overturn a sex offense?

Sex offenses are heinous crimes that leave lasting scars on victims. However, in cases with limited evidence, the pursuit of justice can lead to wrongful convictions. In Maryland, DNA testing has emerged as a powerful tool for exonerating the wrongly accused in sex...

When a Woman’s Questions About Her Right to Choose Is Proof of Intent to Kill at Birth

In Akers v. State (September Term 2022, No. 0925) (unreported), Moira Akers searched the Internet for information about aborting her pregnancy. Akers’ pregnancy was in the first trimester, and she was within her rights to investigate her options to end...