RaquinMercer Law Offices
“The Defense Never Rests.”
Photo of Professionals at RaquinMercer LLC

How Our Criminal Defense Attorneys Fight For You Pretrial

Criminal defense attorneys can assist clients throughout the criminal justice process, including pretrial investigations. Some people choose to retain a lawyer during the investigation period of a crime before they are even considered a target or charged with a crime. This often happens when a person is contacted by law enforcement of a prosecutor and invited to discuss a matter. In these instances, a criminal defense lawyer may help instruct the individual about the potential perils or benefits of being questioned by authorities to ensure the suspect doesn’t divulge any incriminating information.

A criminal defense attorney can also help convince a court to quash a subpoena, or to drop charges against you based on improper procedure. Criminal defense attorneys have a nuanced understanding of evidence and procedures as it is defined within your jurisdiction and may be able to present a challenge in court. If the attorney has the opportunity to advise you about your rights during the pretrial investigation stage, you may avoid being charged or if charged, may successfully demonstrate that an improper search or seizure should result in evidence being suppressed. In these instances, a case can be won before the trial ever begins.

Additionally, if you’re arrested for a crime, preparation for your detention hearing or bail review is essential. Too many people are detained before trial because the court was not presented with important information about why the person is not a danger to the community or a risk of flight. It is essential for a criminal defense attorney to begin an investigation at the earliest possible time to gather information needed to persuade the court to release you pending a trial. Your ultimate changes of success are much greater if you are not locked up pretrial.

Act Now To Protect Your Rights

If you have been arrested or have reason to believe you are under investigation for a crime it is crucial to have legal representation. Call 301-750-9702 for a confidential consultation.

Photo of Judge Gary E. Bair (Ret.)

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